The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society has recently acquired a 1926 Studebaker five passenger Sedan, courtesy of James and Pat Messner. The car was owned and restored by Jim’s father, the late Fred Messner.

The Messner family has a long tradition of collecting cars. Fred Messner’s 1932 Model 55 St. Regis Studebaker was donated to the Antique Automobile Club of America Museum in Hershey by Donald Messner , Jim’s brother. Donald Messner donated his own Corvette Collection to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

“We are so fortunate to have big-hearted people like the Messners who think of the greater good- now, the car is on display for all to enjoy, not locked away in someone’s garage. It is an absolutely beautiful car and even if you are not a fancier of vintage cars, you will find yourself thinking how cool it would be to take her out for a spin…” The sedan would have had an original price tag of $1,495.00 with options of front and rear bumpers, running board kick plates, cowl lamps, and disc wheels. The Studebaker is the second car to be added to the permanent collections of the museum.

A 1919 Model T. Ford, owned and restored by Ferd Paige was donated in 2010 by Ferd’s daughters Deborah Vincenzes and Candace Ford. It resides in the front lobby of the Taber Museum.

The Messner Studebaker is housed at the Peter Herdic Transportation Museum, which is located immediately behind the Taber Museum and may be viewed during the Herdic’s operational hours of Fridays and Saturdays, 10am-3pm (September through May).There is a separate admission to view the Transportation Museum.

Many thanks to the Messners for this generous gift.